The Garden is open on Saturdays in-season (September – mid-June) from 9-3 for members to tour independently, and on designated Open Days with docent-led tours. Open Day tours of the Garden commence on the hour, at 10 am, 11 am, and 1 pm. Guests may register in advance on our Events page.
Open Day tours are free for members, $15 for non-members. Tours typically last a bit over an hour. We encourage our guests to arrive ten minutes or so before the hour to sign in. We currently do not allow guests to independently tour the garden.
Private and group docent-led tours are available Tuesday – Friday at 10 am for members only or groups of 5 or more. Tours are $10 for members, $25 each for non-members. Call 979.826.3232 or schedule a private tour on our Events page.
To see our schedule of Open Days, please view our calendar.
Regular hours are Open Days and Tuesday through Saturday, 9am to 3 pm though we encourage you to call the office at (979) 826-3232 to confirm.
Members’ Open Saturdays are each Saturday during open season (September – mid-June) from 10 am to 4 pm. Members may walk the Garden at their leisure.
Open Day docent-led tours occur the second and fourth Saturday of each month during open season at 10 am, 11 am, and 1 pm. Tours are free for members, $15 for non-members.
Private and group docent-led tours are available Tuesday – Fridayat 10 am. Private tours are $10 for members, $25 a person for non-members, minimum group of 5.
Note that discounts associated with reciprocal memberships do not apply to private tours.
Call 979.826.3232 or Contact Us to schedule a tour.
The Garden is closed from mid-June to September 1st.